Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
(too old to reply)
2008-10-23 14:23:17 UTC
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008

Sarah Palin update, below.

Appearing on Countdown Wednesday, Chris Cillizza reported that the
McCain camp’s internal polling showed its focus on Joe the Plumber and
criticizing Obama on “spread the wealth” and “socialism” was working
with some groups. I don’t doubt that; the Republicans have always told
their readily deceived faithful that taxes and the government services
they support are inherently evil, so the less the better. No thought

But I don’t believe most Americans actually think what we need now,
when the government is bailing out banks and bankers, is lower taxes
on the most wealthy and less government intervening on the side of
those who now realize they’ve been royally screwed during the Bush

It’s even more difficult to believe most Americans buy the ridiculous
argument that taxing some to help others should be demonized as
“socialism,” or that “spreading the wealth” is somehow un-American.

McCain may find it “disgraceful” that current employees pay payroll
taxes to allow current retirees a modest security, but the vast
majority of Americans overwhelming support Social Security, just as
they support Medicare/Medicaid and SCHIP. They pay taxes to support
schools even when they don’t have school age kids, and they pay taxes
for police and fire departments even when they don’t need them at the

People understand this; they aren’t stupid, but McCain’s central
argument is that either Americans are stupid or they want government
to disappear except to build armies and wage wars.

But what about something McCain claims he supports? For example, how
would McCain’s energy policy work if his philosophical claims applied?

McCain wants lots of new nuclear power plants. But without substantial
government subsidies, there would be no nuclear plants in the US and
no new ones would be built. Every current US nuclear plant exists only
because there were direct government subsidies for, and limits on
catastrophic insurance costs. Nuclear waste R&D, handling and disposal
costs are funded by government. Plans for new nuclear plants all
depend on government loan guarantees for investors or guaranteed
utility rate-base treatment or both.

The same is true for coal plants, old ones, new ones, dirty ones or so-
called “clean” ones. Coal plants have always been heavily subsidized,
and new plants using new carbon reduction strategies will likely need
tax breaks and loan guarantees or they won’t be built. And government
has given coal barons huge benefits by allowing coal mines and coal
plants to pass the external costs of coal onto others through
increased miners’ deaths and diseases; massive environmental damage
during extraction and global damage from the emissions. In the future,
we’ll have to pay enormous sums to displace existing coal plants or
reduce their carbon emissions.

Want to drill more? We’ve historically had huge tax breaks for oil/gas
depletion, investment credits and other subsidies for producers, along
with favorable treatment in allocating drilling rights and royalties.

How about wind, solar and other renewables? Huge sums of public monies
went into R&D. Virtually all of the existing wind turbines and solar
electric facilities exist only because they received large tax
investment and/or production cost tax credits. New ones won't be built
without those credits. Developers will also benefit from socializing
the costs of transmission to get the power to load centers. There will
be only a tenuous connection between those who benefit and those who
pay these costs.

So McCain is talking nonsense, and it’s time for the media to start
calling him out. Much of what we do in today's economy, and everything
we want to do in the future, including McCain’s own energy proposals,
require that we tax people now or later and socialize those costs,
while spreading the benefits.

It’s called “promote the general welfare,” and, Sarah, it’s in the
first paragraph of the Constitution. The rest of America already knows

Update: On NPR this a.m. I heard Sarah Palin describing Obama as
"Barack spread-the-wealth Obama." Does she understand anything?

The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.

And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.

You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
2008-10-23 16:13:37 UTC
Post by MM
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
I doubt she is bright enough to even understand she is actually a <gasp>
socialist. Why do you think they keep her on a very short lease. Someone
might inform her...and then she would have to hate herself.
2008-10-23 16:16:47 UTC
Post by Dano
Post by MM
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
I doubt she is bright enough to even understand she is actually a <gasp>
socialist. Why do you think they keep her on a very short lease.
Someone might inform her...and then she would have to hate herself.
Yup. Exactly why I so much want an journalist to ask her to tell him
what socialism is....and have her say she'll get back to him on it...


We must change the way we live
Or the climate will do it for us.
2008-10-23 23:11:45 UTC
Post by clouddreamer
Post by Dano
Post by MM
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
I doubt she is bright enough to even understand she is actually a
<gasp> socialist. Why do you think they keep her on a very short
lease. Someone might inform her...and then she would have to hate
Yup. Exactly why I so much want an journalist to ask her to tell him
what socialism is....and have her say she'll get back to him on it...
I didn't buy those arguments because I was told the govt. would provide
them for free.
Me The People
2008-10-23 21:41:00 UTC
Post by Dano
Post by MM
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
I doubt she is bright enough to even understand she is actually a <gasp>
socialist. Why do you think they keep her on a very short lease.
Someone might inform her...and then she would have to hate herself.
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.

It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.

Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column
By John Hawkins
Friday, September 21, 2007

Liberals love to think of themselves as intellectual and nuanced, but
liberalism is incredibly simplistic. It's nothing more than "childlike
emotionalism applied to adult issues." Very seldom does any issue that
doesn't involve pandering to their supporters boil down at its core
level to more than feeling "nice" or "mean" to liberals. This makes
liberals ill equipped to deal with complex issues.

Since liberals tend to support or oppose policies based on how those
policies make them feel about themselves, they do very little
intellectual examination of whether the policies they advocate work or
not. That's because it doesn't matter to them whether the policy is
effective or not; it matters whether advocating the policy makes them
feel "good" or "bad," "compassionate" or "stingy," "nice" or "mean."

Because of this, liberalism has more in common with religion than it
does with other political ideologies like conservatism or
libertarianism. Moreover, liberal beliefs are more like religious
doctrine than any sort of battle-tested policies that bear up under
logic or examination. Although the interpretation of the doctrine that
the Left supports may change a bit over time, just as religious
doctrine does, it's essentially taken on faith, like scripture.

That's why, for example, you may see ferocious debates on the right
side of the blogosphere about the war, illegal immigration, or
spending. But, with the netroots, the debates almost always revolve
around the best strategy to get more liberals elected. The issues are
not really up for debate, other than debate over how to get them

This same thinking leads to very little criticism of liberals by other
liberals. Liberals will ferociously defend and even happily echo the
lies of other liberals. Liberal feminists will defend Bill Clinton and
Ted Kennedy. Liberals who pride themselves on being tolerant of other
races will support Robert Byrd. Why? Because even if they're wrong,
they're still fellow liberals -- which must mean they're nice people.
What this leads to is an attitude that can be summed up like so: "The
only things that a liberal can do wrong is to be insufficiently
liberal, to question an important plank of the liberal agenda, or to
do something politically that aids conservatives."

Conservatives, on the other hand, just by virtue of being
conservatives, are mean at best and evil at worst. Is it wrong to lie
about an evil person? Technically, "yes," but there's a reason "two
wrongs don't make a right" is said so often -- it's because so many
people do believe "two wrongs do make a right." Moreover, what about
defending the indefensible? Well, is it wrong to defend a good
(liberal) person who is being attacked by an evil (conservative)
person, even if it's justifiable? At the gut level, most liberals
don't think so.

Once you understand what I've written so far, you can understand
everything that liberals do.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to religion? Because religion sets
rules and tells people that if they break those rules, they're
sinning! That keeps people from doing things that make them feel good
and telling people that they're sinning makes them feel bad.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to the troops? Because the troops
tend to be conservative (evil) and because they're out killing people
and breaking things (which would make most liberals feel like bad

* Why are so many liberals unpatriotic? It makes liberals feel morally
superior to rant about what's wrong with their own country. Plus, as
an added bonus, people from other nations agree with them and that
makes them feel good as well.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the government?
With liberals, it's not about whether something works or not, it's
about how it makes them feel.

So, they can look at the IRS, post office, airport security, FEMA, and
ICE and then say, "These are the same people we want handling our
health care" -- because it's about making themselves feel good that
they got people insured, not about getting the best system of health
care for everyone.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the UN? See the
previous answer and apply it on a global scale. The UN may be corrupt,
anti-American, and utterly incompetent, but it makes liberals feel
good to think that they're sending money to the poor in some
godforsaken country (sure, it's not their money and almost all the
money may be wasted or stolen, but it's the thought that counts).

* Why are liberals so hostile to successful people who don't happen to
be celebrities, trial lawyers, or big donors to the Democratic Party?
Again, this is another great opportunity for them to feel morally
superior. They can feel like good people because they want to give
money to the poor -- granted, not their money, but rich people's
money. The rich have so much and the poor have so little, so why
shouldn't liberals take it from them and then pat themselves on the
back for their compassion?

Once you understand the basics of how liberals think, you can
understand everything that they do. Granted, there will be a few
exceptions, but if the vast herd of liberals is doing something that
doesn't seem to fit the template, it's either because there's money or
sex involved, they're doing what they have to do to win politically,
they're taking that position because they refuse to be on the same
side as conservatives, or there's something going on you don't know
about and it's not really an exception.

You've heard of the Dog Whisperer, right? Well, congrats, because
after reading this column, you are now a "liberal whisperer" and you
understand everything you need to know about the way that liberals
2008-10-23 22:52:54 UTC
Post by Me The People
Post by Dano
Post by MM
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Wednesday October 22, 2008
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
I doubt she is bright enough to even understand she is actually a
<gasp> socialist. Why do you think they keep her on a very short
lease. Someone might inform her...and then she would have to hate
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
Sorry, but the people of Alaska are not shareholders. Do you think in
the state where you live you're a shareholder?
2008-10-24 01:03:19 UTC
Post by Me The People
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
What's truly frightening is that you might actually believe some of your own
claptrap. Can't wait to see clowns like you sobbing in a couple of weeks.
2008-10-24 01:07:25 UTC
Post by Dano
Post by Me The People
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
What's truly frightening is that you might actually believe some of your own
claptrap. Can't wait to see clowns like you sobbing in a couple of weeks.
Apparently, McCain has already conceded. He is planning to met with
journalists and a few guests on the hotel lawn in Phoenix on election
night instead of addressing the election workers inside...though he
might "drop by."

A slap in the face to all the hard work they did.

We must change the way we live,
or the climate will do it for us.

2008-10-24 01:35:23 UTC
Post by clouddreamer
Post by Dano
Post by Me The People
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
What's truly frightening is that you might actually believe some of your own
claptrap. Can't wait to see clowns like you sobbing in a couple of weeks.
I'll be laughing in any case, I have my money out of the stock markets
that Obama is killing. I got rid of all my properties quite a while
back at the real estate peak.

I'm all set for Obama, he can transfer all *your* wealth, I'm retiring
if Obama gets in office. I may take an extended vacation(a year or two)
we'll see.

I'll be kicking off a grand new era for myself, Why would I be the least
bit unhappy, you'll be paying Obama's taxes.

You see, once he raises taxes on the rich and sends out checks to the
poor.... the States will raise their taxes on the poor, that means your
taxes will go up and it means the businesses will increase prices. That
will have me laughing from the distant beach chair where I'll be sipping

If Obama loses, I'll just go back to making money.

No matter who wins, I win.
Post by clouddreamer
Apparently, McCain has already conceded. He is planning to met with
journalists and a few guests on the hotel lawn in Phoenix on election
night instead of addressing the election workers inside...though he
might "drop by."
A slap in the face to all the hard work they did.
*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
9. The truth of everything is that which you make it.
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.
2008-10-24 04:46:27 UTC
poetic justice wrote: > I'll be laughing in any case, I have my
money out of the stock markets

I count my blessings everyday. As long as nothing catastrophic, we are
in a good situation. I have friends with retirement, 401k plans and
they are worried. We're commie enough to have great community
gardening. I can get around without my car if need be. Where I am the
rents are high. Purchasing a house has gone down but it would make no
sense to sell, housing or rentals. How much are rents in your area?

I Effed Up My bad, everyone!
Ex-chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, made comments
today alluding to his total lack of foresight when it came to current
economic implosion. Addressing a Congressional panel today of the
House Oversight Committee, Greenspan warned that things might get
worse before they get better re: foreclosure and the roller-coaster
more >

| October 2, 2008
Responding to commentators who believe that misguided government
policies caused or contributed to the current financial mess,
Wiserburg asserts that the real culprit is the libertarian financial
policy (which banned "any infringement of the right to buy and sell")
that the U.S. has allegedly pursued in recent years. We're in the
midst of "a global economic meltdown made possible by libertarian
ideas," writes Wiserburg, who adds that intellectually vapid
libertarians simply cannot "accept that markets can be irrational,
misunderstand risk, and misallocate resources or that financial
systems without vigorous government oversight and the capacity for
pragmatic intervention constitute a recipe for disaster." Libertarian
policies have failed so miserably, he concludes, that it is time to
toss libertarianism, like Soviet communism, on the trash bin of

Libertarian policies have failed so miserably, he concludes, that it
is time to toss libertarianism, like Soviet communism, on the trash
bin of history. Whatever one's views of libertarian policies, the
incontrovertible fact is that the U.S. has not pursued such policies.
Excuse me?
more >

Just shoot me!
Crawling underneath the quilts is looking mighty fine these days, as
the days get colder and the economy gets icier. When every other
commentator is tossing out Great Depression analogies, it's hardly a
surprise that many people are finding their own lives greatly
depressing -- and in some cases, taking matters into their own hands.

In one woman's suicide note, she told her husband and son to use
the insurance money to pay off the mortgage

Earlier this week, Nick Turse collected a cross-country roundup of
some of the most grisly personal responses to economic meltdown under
the cheerful heading "Main Street's Body Count Rises." Turse cites
nearly two dozen cases, starting in February of this year, in which
people have reacted to job loss, evictions or foreclosures with
violence: Some resisters have, Wild West style, erected barricades and
brandished rifles at deputies and SWAT teams; others have gone so far
as to kill themselves and sometimes their families.
more >
Friday, Oct. 24, 2008
Post by unknown
Post by clouddreamer
Post by Dano
Post by Me The People
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do. Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
What's truly frightening is that you might actually believe some of your own
claptrap. Can't wait to see clowns like you sobbing in a couple of weeks.
I'll be laughing in any case, I have my money out of the stock markets
that Obama is killing. I got rid of all my properties quite a while
back at the real estate peak.
I'm all set for Obama, he can transfer all *your* wealth, I'm retiring
if Obama gets in office. I may take an extended vacation(a year or two)
we'll see.
I'll be kicking off a grand new era for myself, Why would I be the least
bit unhappy, you'll be paying Obama's taxes.
You see, once he raises taxes on the rich and sends out checks to the
poor.... the States will raise their taxes on the poor, that means your
taxes will go up and it means the businesses will increase prices. That
will have me laughing from the distant beach chair where I'll be sipping
If Obama loses, I'll just go back to making money.
No matter who wins, I win.
Post by clouddreamer
Apparently, McCain has already conceded. He is planning to met with
journalists and a few guests on the hotel lawn in Phoenix on election
night instead of addressing the election workers inside...though he
might "drop by."
A slap in the face to all the hard work they did.
*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
9. The truth of everything is that which you make it.
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.
2008-10-24 14:45:14 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by clouddreamer
Post by Dano
Post by Me The People
Actually a Socialist would have kept the Oil money and spent it as the
State pleased, like Obama wants to do.  Instead Palin divided the excess
in the State budget from the sale of Oil, and sent it to all the People
to use as each person needs to use it.
It's capitalism, each person got a dividend on their share of
Incorporated Alaska.
Like any well run corporation, a State that shows a profit should return
a dividend to it's shareholders.
What's truly frightening is that you might actually believe some of your own
claptrap.  Can't wait to see clowns like you sobbing in a couple of
I'll be laughing in any case, I have my money out of the stock markets
that Obama is killing.  I got rid of all my properties quite a while
back at the real estate peak.
I'm all set for Obama, he can transfer all *your* wealth, I'm retiring
if Obama gets in office. I may take an extended vacation(a year or two)
we'll see.
I'll be kicking off a grand new era for myself, Why would I be the least
bit unhappy, you'll be paying Obama's taxes.
You see, once he raises taxes on the rich and sends out checks to the
poor.... the States will raise their taxes on the poor, that means your
taxes will go up and it means the businesses will increase prices. That
will have me laughing from the distant beach chair where I'll be sipping
If Obama loses, I'll just go back to making money.
No matter who wins, I win.
Post by clouddreamer
Apparently, McCain has already conceded. He is planning to met with
journalists and a few guests on the hotel lawn in Phoenix on election
night instead of addressing the election workers inside...though he
might "drop by."
A slap in the face to all the hard work they did.
              *Liberal Commandments*
1.  Thou shalt always be a victim.
Like Wall Street Crooks who got bailed out!
Post by unknown
2.  Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
Isn't that what GWB did?
Post by unknown
3.  That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
Isn't that the mantra of the Religious Right?
Post by unknown
4.  Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
That one has to go. "Feel good" has a place and time but not as a
philosophy of life.
Post by unknown
5.  Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
Post by unknown
6.  Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
I don't believe in any religion and I especially don't look to Govt
for guidance.
Post by unknown
7.  Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
Post by unknown
8.  Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
I'd be happy if they'd just stop STARTING unnecessary wars. Fight
because you have too, not because you want to.
Post by unknown
9.  The truth of everything is that which you make it.
Liberals don't have a corner on thatr market!
Post by unknown
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.
That sounds so Libertarian to me.
Some are so Pro Life, they'll allow a woman to die before allowing a
necessary procedure to save her. Now that's convoluted logic.


Most of the bottom 40% are Red. Why is that?
Me The People
2008-10-24 21:51:58 UTC
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
Like Wall Street Crooks who got bailed out!
Democrats voted for it. Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
Isn't that what GWB did?
Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
Isn't that the mantra of the Religious Right?
All religious Zealots are like that. Liberals are using Government as
their faux religion.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
That one has to go. "Feel good" has a place and time but not as a
philosophy of life.
Liberals always take the side of making everyone equal, be it income or
the grades on kids tests to the winners of sports where they give
trophies to losers as well as winners. To excel is to break the rules of
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
Truly a Liberal trait.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
I don't believe in any religion and I especially don't look to Govt
for guidance.
Liberals want more government, every time.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
Liberals want to "spread the wealth" in other words, the government will
decide for us all, how much you need.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
I'd be happy if they'd just stop STARTING unnecessary wars. Fight
because you have too, not because you want to.
War is bad, peace is good.... are you that simple?
Why do Liberals promote class warfare, and attack U.S. taxpayers?
This is an economic war.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
9. The truth of everything is that which you make it.
Liberals don't have a corner on thatr market!
True enough, yet Liberals are the poster child for this behavior.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.
That sounds so Libertarian to me.
Some are so Pro Life, they'll allow a woman to die before allowing a
necessary procedure to save her. Now that's convoluted logic.
Libertarians don't believe in one human taking another humans life
without just cause.
Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column
By John Hawkins
Friday, September 21, 2007

Liberals love to think of themselves as intellectual and nuanced, but
liberalism is incredibly simplistic. It's nothing more than "childlike
emotionalism applied to adult issues." Very seldom does any issue that
doesn't involve pandering to their supporters boil down at its core
level to more than feeling "nice" or "mean" to liberals. This makes
liberals ill equipped to deal with complex issues.

Since liberals tend to support or oppose policies based on how those
policies make them feel about themselves, they do very little
intellectual examination of whether the policies they advocate work or
not. That's because it doesn't matter to them whether the policy is
effective or not; it matters whether advocating the policy makes them
feel "good" or "bad," "compassionate" or "stingy," "nice" or "mean."

Because of this, liberalism has more in common with religion than it
does with other political ideologies like conservatism or
libertarianism. Moreover, liberal beliefs are more like religious
doctrine than any sort of battle-tested policies that bear up under
logic or examination. Although the interpretation of the doctrine that
the Left supports may change a bit over time, just as religious
doctrine does, it's essentially taken on faith, like scripture.

That's why, for example, you may see ferocious debates on the right
side of the blogosphere about the war, illegal immigration, or
spending. But, with the netroots, the debates almost always revolve
around the best strategy to get more liberals elected. The issues are
not really up for debate, other than debate over how to get them

This same thinking leads to very little criticism of liberals by other
liberals. Liberals will ferociously defend and even happily echo the
lies of other liberals. Liberal feminists will defend Bill Clinton and
Ted Kennedy. Liberals who pride themselves on being tolerant of other
races will support Robert Byrd. Why? Because even if they're wrong,
they're still fellow liberals -- which must mean they're nice people.
What this leads to is an attitude that can be summed up like so: "The
only things that a liberal can do wrong is to be insufficiently
liberal, to question an important plank of the liberal agenda, or to
do something politically that aids conservatives."

Conservatives, on the other hand, just by virtue of being
conservatives, are mean at best and evil at worst. Is it wrong to lie
about an evil person? Technically, "yes," but there's a reason "two
wrongs don't make a right" is said so often -- it's because so many
people do believe "two wrongs do make a right." Moreover, what about
defending the indefensible? Well, is it wrong to defend a good
(liberal) person who is being attacked by an evil (conservative)
person, even if it's justifiable? At the gut level, most liberals
don't think so.

Once you understand what I've written so far, you can understand
everything that liberals do.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to religion? Because religion sets
rules and tells people that if they break those rules, they're
sinning! That keeps people from doing things that make them feel good
and telling people that they're sinning makes them feel bad.

* Why are so many liberals hostile to the troops? Because the troops
tend to be conservative (evil) and because they're out killing people
and breaking things (which would make most liberals feel like bad

* Why are so many liberals unpatriotic? It makes liberals feel morally
superior to rant about what's wrong with their own country. Plus, as
an added bonus, people from other nations agree with them and that
makes them feel good as well.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the government?
With liberals, it's not about whether something works or not, it's
about how it makes them feel.

So, they can look at the IRS, post office, airport security, FEMA, and
ICE and then say, "These are the same people we want handling our
health care" -- because it's about making themselves feel good that
they got people insured, not about getting the best system of health
care for everyone.

* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the UN? See the
previous answer and apply it on a global scale. The UN may be corrupt,
anti-American, and utterly incompetent, but it makes liberals feel
good to think that they're sending money to the poor in some
godforsaken country (sure, it's not their money and almost all the
money may be wasted or stolen, but it's the thought that counts).

* Why are liberals so hostile to successful people who don't happen to
be celebrities, trial lawyers, or big donors to the Democratic Party?
Again, this is another great opportunity for them to feel morally
superior. They can feel like good people because they want to give
money to the poor -- granted, not their money, but rich people's
money. The rich have so much and the poor have so little, so why
shouldn't liberals take it from them and then pat themselves on the
back for their compassion?

Once you understand the basics of how liberals think, you can
understand everything that they do. Granted, there will be a few
exceptions, but if the vast herd of liberals is doing something that
doesn't seem to fit the template, it's either because there's money or
sex involved, they're doing what they have to do to win politically,
they're taking that position because they refuse to be on the same
side as conservatives, or there's something going on you don't know
about and it's not really an exception.

You've heard of the Dog Whisperer, right? Well, congrats, because
after reading this column, you are now a "liberal whisperer" and you
understand everything you need to know about the way that liberals
2008-10-24 21:55:01 UTC
Post by Me The People
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
Like Wall Street Crooks who got bailed out!
Democrats voted for it. Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
Isn't that what GWB did?
Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
Isn't that the mantra of the Religious Right?
All religious Zealots are like that. Liberals are using Government as
their faux religion.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
That one has to go. "Feel good" has a place and time but not as a
philosophy of life.
Liberals always take the side of making everyone equal, be it income or
the grades on kids tests to the winners of sports where they give
trophies to losers as well as winners. To excel is to break the rules of
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
Truly a Liberal trait.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
I don't believe in any religion and I especially don't look to Govt
for guidance.
Liberals want more government, every time.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
Liberals want to "spread the wealth" in other words, the government will
decide for us all, how much you need.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
I'd be happy if they'd just stop STARTING unnecessary wars. Fight
because you have too, not because you want to.
War is bad, peace is good.... are you that simple?
Why do Liberals promote class warfare, and attack U.S. taxpayers?
This is an economic war.
Wow. Some people will believe anything. Educate yourself. Your
understanding of liberals has obviously been tainted by Right wing lies
and you're gulping the kool aid by the gallon.

We must change the way we live,
or the climate will do it for us.

2009-02-04 15:54:02 UTC
Post by clouddreamer
Post by Me The People
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
*Liberal Commandments*
1. Thou shalt always be a victim.
Like Wall Street Crooks who got bailed out!
Democrats voted for it. Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
2. Spend thy Neighbors money to keep your Brothers in the comfort zone,
that which makes him happy.
Isn't that what GWB did?
Bush is no Conservative or Libertarian.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
3. That which is not Liberal is Evil, use any means possible to promote
Liberal/socialist agenda.
Isn't that the mantra of the Religious Right?
All religious Zealots are like that. Liberals are using Government as
their faux religion.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
4. Do not covet Success and achievement, teach others to strive for
That one has to go. "Feel good" has a place and time but not as a
philosophy of life.
Liberals always take the side of making everyone equal, be it income
or the grades on kids tests to the winners of sports where they give
trophies to losers as well as winners. To excel is to break the rules
of Liberalism.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
5. Show your enemy your Bluster, before whining like a child.
Truly a Liberal trait.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
6. Government is the only religion of man, serve no other cause.
I don't believe in any religion and I especially don't look to Govt
for guidance.
Liberals want more government, every time.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
7. Tithe all you have and will have to our cause, for that which is not
spent, will come back.
Liberals want to "spread the wealth" in other words, the government
will decide for us all, how much you need.
Post by Husky
Post by unknown
8. Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
I'd be happy if they'd just stop STARTING unnecessary wars. Fight
because you have too, not because you want to.
War is bad, peace is good.... are you that simple?
Why do Liberals promote class warfare, and attack U.S. taxpayers?
This is an economic war.
Wow. Some people will believe anything. Educate yourself. Your
understanding of liberals has obviously been tainted by Right wing lies
and you're gulping the kool aid by the gallon.
The most frightening thing anyone can say is, "I'm from the government
and I'm here to help." - Will Rogers -

I'm not conservative, I want to legalize prostitution and drugs and quit
clogging the courts with social freedoms that are not the governments
business. I want to finish the Iraq war and bring all our foreign aid
back home to pay our own bills. Cut our capital Gains tax down to 5%...

A weak America is going to be bad for everybody, we'll be less able to
help the poor and everyone else. We need to *REGULATE* the
(((Congress))) not the Businesses. We need to reign in Government so
that people have opportunity. I'm Libertarian.

Liberals are just what they are, I don't hate them, I pity them.

A little liberalism is like a little Liquor it's a good thing, but when
it takes control, it becomes self destructive like liquor.

2008-10-26 14:00:37 UTC
Post by Me The People
Liberals want more government, every time.
Post by unknown
8.  Believe in unconditional Peace and Love, so then shall you become
self important and omnipotent.
I'd be happy if they'd just stop STARTING unnecessary wars.  Fight
because you have too, not because you want to.
War is bad, peace is good.... are you that simple?
Post by Me The People
Why do Liberals promote class warfare, and attack U.S. taxpayers?
This is an economic war.
So, you're in favor of going to war unnecessarily?
Post by Me The People
Post by unknown
9.  The truth of everything is that which you make it.
Liberals don't have a corner on thatr market!
True enough, yet Liberals are the poster child for this behavior.
Post by unknown
10. Life is above all else... until it would interfere with ones choice.
That sounds so Libertarian to me.
Some are so Pro Life, they'll allow a woman to die before allowing a
necessary procedure to save her.  Now that's convoluted logic.
Libertarians don't believe in one human taking another humans life
without just cause.
What cause would that be?
or having Govt blatantly interfere with ones personal life.
Post by Me The People
William December Starr
2008-10-25 03:13:51 UTC
Post by unknown
If Obama loses, I'll just go back to making money.
No matter who wins, I win.
No you won't. You'll still be you.

-- wds
2008-10-23 23:57:02 UTC
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?http://oxdown.firedoglake.com/diary/983
That "spread the wealth around" stupidity really irritates you, huh?
Continue panicking :)
 Wednesday October 22, 2008
Sarah Palin update, below.
Appearing on Countdown Wednesday, Chris Cillizza reported that the
McCain camp’s internal polling showed its focus on Joe the Plumber and
criticizing Obama on “spread the wealth” and “socialism” was working
with some groups. I don’t doubt that; the Republicans have always told
their readily deceived faithful that taxes and the government services
they support are inherently evil, so the less the better. No thought
But I don’t believe most Americans actually think what we need now,
when the government is bailing out banks and bankers, is lower taxes
on the most wealthy and less government intervening on the side of
those who now realize they’ve been royally screwed during the Bush
It’s even more difficult to believe most Americans buy the ridiculous
argument that taxing some to help others should be demonized as
“socialism,” or that “spreading the wealth” is somehow un-American.
McCain may find it “disgraceful” that current employees pay payroll
taxes to allow current retirees a modest security, but the vast
majority of Americans overwhelming support Social Security, just as
they support Medicare/Medicaid and SCHIP. They pay taxes to support
schools even when they don’t have school age kids, and they pay taxes
for police and fire departments even when they don’t need them at the
People understand this; they aren’t stupid, but McCain’s central
argument is that either Americans are stupid or they want government
to disappear except to build armies and wage wars.
But what about something McCain claims he supports? For example, how
would McCain’s energy policy work if his philosophical claims applied?
McCain wants lots of new nuclear power plants. But without substantial
government subsidies, there would be no nuclear plants in the US and
no new ones would be built. Every current US nuclear plant exists only
because there were direct government subsidies for, and limits on
catastrophic insurance costs. Nuclear waste R&D, handling and disposal
costs are funded by government. Plans for new nuclear plants all
depend on government loan guarantees for investors or guaranteed
utility rate-base treatment or both.
The same is true for coal plants, old ones, new ones, dirty ones or so-
called “clean” ones. Coal plants have always been heavily subsidized,
and new plants using new carbon reduction strategies will likely need
tax breaks and loan guarantees or they won’t be built. And government
has given coal barons huge benefits by allowing coal mines and coal
plants to pass the external costs of coal onto others through
increased miners’ deaths and diseases; massive environmental damage
during extraction and global damage from the emissions. In the future,
we’ll have to pay enormous sums to displace existing coal plants or
reduce their carbon emissions.
Want to drill more? We’ve historically had huge tax breaks for oil/gas
depletion, investment credits and other subsidies for producers, along
with favorable treatment in allocating drilling rights and royalties.
How about wind, solar and other renewables? Huge sums of public monies
went into R&D. Virtually all of the existing wind turbines and solar
electric facilities exist only because they received large tax
investment and/or production cost tax credits. New ones won't be built
without those credits. Developers will also benefit from socializing
the costs of transmission to get the power to load centers. There will
be only a tenuous connection between those who benefit and those who
pay these costs.
So McCain is talking nonsense, and it’s time for the media to start
calling him out. Much of what we do in today's economy, and everything
we want to do in the future, including McCain’s own energy proposals,
require that we tax people now or later and socialize those costs,
while spreading the benefits.
It’s called “promote the general welfare,” and, Sarah, it’s in the
first paragraph of the Constitution. The rest of America already knows
Update: On NPR this a.m. I heard Sarah Palin describing Obama as
"Barack spread-the-wealth Obama." Does she understand anything?
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
2008-10-24 14:16:16 UTC
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?
Do you know why you posted this off-topic article here?
It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
for them, it's failing.
Primordial Ooze
2008-10-24 14:48:44 UTC
Does Anyone Buy McCain’s Mindless Arguments About Socialism?http://oxdown.firedoglake.com/diary/983
 Wednesday October 22, 2008
Sarah Palin update, below.
Appearing on Countdown Wednesday, Chris Cillizza reported that the
McCain camp’s internal polling showed its focus on Joe the Plumber and
criticizing Obama on “spread the wealth” and “socialism” was working
with some groups. I don’t doubt that; the Republicans have always told
their readily deceived faithful that taxes and the government services
they support are inherently evil, so the less the better. No thought
But I don’t believe most Americans actually think what we need now,
when the government is bailing out banks and bankers, is lower taxes
on the most wealthy and less government intervening on the side of
those who now realize they’ve been royally screwed during the Bush
It’s even more difficult to believe most Americans buy the ridiculous
argument that taxing some to help others should be demonized as
“socialism,” or that “spreading the wealth” is somehow un-American.
McCain may find it “disgraceful” that current employees pay payroll
taxes to allow current retirees a modest security, but the vast
majority of Americans overwhelming support Social Security, just as
they support Medicare/Medicaid and SCHIP. They pay taxes to support
schools even when they don’t have school age kids, and they pay taxes
for police and fire departments even when they don’t need them at the
People understand this; they aren’t stupid, but McCain’s central
argument is that either Americans are stupid or they want government
to disappear except to build armies and wage wars.
But what about something McCain claims he supports? For example, how
would McCain’s energy policy work if his philosophical claims applied?
McCain wants lots of new nuclear power plants. But without substantial
government subsidies, there would be no nuclear plants in the US and
no new ones would be built. Every current US nuclear plant exists only
because there were direct government subsidies for, and limits on
catastrophic insurance costs. Nuclear waste R&D, handling and disposal
costs are funded by government. Plans for new nuclear plants all
depend on government loan guarantees for investors or guaranteed
utility rate-base treatment or both.
The same is true for coal plants, old ones, new ones, dirty ones or so-
called “clean” ones. Coal plants have always been heavily subsidized,
and new plants using new carbon reduction strategies will likely need
tax breaks and loan guarantees or they won’t be built. And government
has given coal barons huge benefits by allowing coal mines and coal
plants to pass the external costs of coal onto others through
increased miners’ deaths and diseases; massive environmental damage
during extraction and global damage from the emissions. In the future,
we’ll have to pay enormous sums to displace existing coal plants or
reduce their carbon emissions.
Want to drill more? We’ve historically had huge tax breaks for oil/gas
depletion, investment credits and other subsidies for producers, along
with favorable treatment in allocating drilling rights and royalties.
How about wind, solar and other renewables? Huge sums of public monies
went into R&D. Virtually all of the existing wind turbines and solar
electric facilities exist only because they received large tax
investment and/or production cost tax credits. New ones won't be built
without those credits. Developers will also benefit from socializing
the costs of transmission to get the power to load centers. There will
be only a tenuous connection between those who benefit and those who
pay these costs.
So McCain is talking nonsense, and it’s time for the media to start
calling him out. Much of what we do in today's economy, and everything
we want to do in the future, including McCain’s own energy proposals,
require that we tax people now or later and socialize those costs,
while spreading the benefits.
It’s called “promote the general welfare,” and, Sarah, it’s in the
first paragraph of the Constitution. The rest of America already knows
Update: On NPR this a.m. I heard Sarah Palin describing Obama as
"Barack spread-the-wealth Obama." Does she understand anything?
The interesting thing about Gov. Palin is that she lives in a state
with a strong tradition of honoring what the Mexicans call “el
patrimonio,” which roughly means the inheritance of the people of the
land’s wealth. It belongs to the people, not the corporations that
develop it. Under that tradition, Alaska extracts what others would
call "excess profits" taxes from oil/gas industries — hence from
owners and shareholders — and restributes that wealth by literally
writing wealth rebate checks to Alaska citizens. The concept is
indistinguishable from socialism and the practice is surely spreading
the wealth.
And it’s the only reason she can afford to balance a state budget
without raising income taxes, while most other states are struggling
through the recession.
You’d think our media could ask her about that, but . . .
yes, rednecks and RichA